Friday, September 9, 2011

goths, emos, scenes, and others.

Who is getting tired of being steryotyped????? I am, for sure. A girl walked up to me and told me to go kill myself when I didnt even know her. She's in most of my classes... Anyway so todays post is about some people I know getting steryotyped, people who steryotype, and steryotyping in genral.

People who have gotten steryotyped:

One of my friends was steryotyped as 'An emotional goth b!tch'. She told me that she was tired of being steryotyped. She committed suicide after that, well tried. She was out in the hospital for a week. Then a girl at my school a few years back, committed suicide in the showers. A gay P.E coach would stare at her while she got dressed and then people steryotyped her as emo, 'cause she had scars on her body.

(Sorry I have to cut this short. I'm on my friends computer and my sister wants to get on)

Listening to: Family guy and my friends mummbling