Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Goth's worship satan? What you been smoking?!

Today's topic is about people thinking that Goth's worship satan. I was at school, wearing a fishnet armwarmer, chain bracelet, skull necklace, and a black rose headband, when the idiot next to me asked me if I worshipped satan. I said that I didn't, that I was Atheist. Hearing this, the dude decided to start on another topic: My hair. I dyed my hair black over the summer, and recently dyed my bangs pinkish red. I glared at him, then asked to move. After I had moved, another guy started in on me about it. They said that my parents hated me for letting me be the way I am. I told him that I'm expressing myself, and they have no say so in. My mom and dad support me completely, and are the ones who bought me the black hair dye (I bought the pink hair dye myself). Then he asked me if I smoked crack, pot, ect, ect. I told him that I didn't, and that I never would. I was so ticked, that I was about to slap him (I don't like violence.... It's bad when you get me to that point.) Then the bell rang. I was telling my friend (She's border-line goth.) and she said she had the same thing happen to her, like, three weeks earlier. The one who said all this had a sister, who was my best friend. She was Goth. I talked to her about her brother, and she said that he was only saying that because of his sister. I got out of school early, and found out that the guy got suspended for saying all that stuff. I told my parents what happened, and they said to brush it off. I tried to, but it kept going. Has anyone been told that they smoke pot because they're goth?  Told they worship Satan? Next time I'm told this, I'm going to be ticked.

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Gothy must haves!!

My 'Gothy' mush haves!!
These are things that I want, and probably can't live with out. Time to hit Hot Topic! ^.^

Pixie gothic lolita dress
£33 - sharpe-designs.com

Corset shirt
$38 - infectiousthreads.com

Purple mini skirt
£14 - amazon.co.uk

Leg Avenue lace socks
$6.99 - amazon.com

Converse shoes
$90 - journeys.com

Jessica Kagan Cushman skull ring
$1,320 - bergdorfgoodman.com

Jessica Kagan Cushman bow earrings
$3,750 - bergdorfgoodman.com

Gothic jewelry
£40 - blackrose.co.uk

Gothic necklace
$6.99 - infectiousthreads.com

Gothic choker necklace
£23 - argoth.co.uk

Black fingerless glove
$6.99 - amazon.com

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bad Ass Black Goths: a photoset for you to reblog & throw in people's faces

by Nuestra Hermana

In case you didn’t know, there has always been a lot of backwards ass racist sentiments towards black goths. Statements like, “there aren’t any black goths”, “black people just don’t look right as goth”, “Black goths are scary”, “Black people shouldn’t be goth” are prominent throughout the internet and within clubs and community circles.

Translated, these statements in their simplest root read something along the lines of: Black people cannot be gothic because they are not white.

Of course, not every non-black goth is this way but you will see more than plenty proclaim any of the above without a thought of how erasing and racist it is towards black goths.

Recently, I read someone posting something along the very same sentiment, claiming they had never seen a black person “pull off” being goth.

This here, is for all of you dears who truly believe that. I’m here to simply show you that Black goths do it real fucking well & are just as dark souled & artistically amazingly magnificent in the goth community (if not even more, yes, I did just say that to you.)

If you don’t know much about this or simply don’t believe me, you can read more for yourself here , where someone is asking for advice on “on how you would approach one” and here, where someone claims that black people make terrible vampires (TW: racist slurs)… and here where a black goth is attacked for simply asking if there are any other black goths in his area.

If you’re black and goth and want some support:
Black & African American Goths
Black/African-American Goths (364 members! Yes.)

PS: I had a bunch more pictures but I couldn’t fit them in to this photoset.

(Amy's note: as a reblogger on Tumblr said, "This racism bullshit from what’s supposed to be an accepting, supportive community subculture needs to stop now.")
All post content, including photos, from Nuestra Hermana's blog here.

Friday, September 9, 2011

goths, emos, scenes, and others.

Who is getting tired of being steryotyped????? I am, for sure. A girl walked up to me and told me to go kill myself when I didnt even know her. She's in most of my classes... Anyway so todays post is about some people I know getting steryotyped, people who steryotype, and steryotyping in genral.

People who have gotten steryotyped:

One of my friends was steryotyped as 'An emotional goth b!tch'. She told me that she was tired of being steryotyped. She committed suicide after that, well tried. She was out in the hospital for a week. Then a girl at my school a few years back, committed suicide in the showers. A gay P.E coach would stare at her while she got dressed and then people steryotyped her as emo, 'cause she had scars on her body.

(Sorry I have to cut this short. I'm on my friends computer and my sister wants to get on)

Listening to: Family guy and my friends mummbling

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My boyfriend tried to kill himself! Please help!!!

Last night, my boyfriend tried to kill himself. If you can help me in anyway please do. I cant stand watching him try to kill himself. I'm pregnant, and he's the father. I'm wandering if he doesnt want this. If I could understand why he's acting like this, then I'd be so happy. He seems happy enough when we're together, but last night he tried. We were sitting in his room, listening to music, and he cut himself. If I hadnt stopped him he would have stabbed himself. I'm so worried about him....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I really need someone to contact me about this.

If anyone lives out in Grand Bay alabama, I need you to contact me. I was just told by my friend that the cops are outside the apartments in Grand Bay, the ones in front of Minute Mart. If anyone knows anything about it, I really need to know. My mom lives in one of the apartments and I don't know if something happened to her, and I'm really worried. If something did, then I'm gonna flip. Please contact me if you know any bit of info about it. It would be very helpful to know what's going on.

                                                                                                                                            Thank you,

Friday, July 8, 2011


If you don't watch anime that much, and would like to start, then here is a list of animes that you should get into.